A little less than 2 weeks ago, I made a trip to "Kimball & Bean" - in the countryside area of Woodstock, Illinois... They specialize in ***Architectural & Garden Antiques***... I have read many an article about them & have also seen their booth at the Chicago Botanic Antique Garden Show...
I never thought I'd find the place ~ let alone find my way back... I drove for miles along many a picturesque winding road" - in a very upscale area, I think was named - "Bull Valley" ... BeAuTiFuL!*!*! I felt like I was in upstate New York...

The inside of the Barn/Store Area was "Over-The-Top" ~ The BeSt of ViNtaGe Garden Antiques... Almost everything was PeRfeCtLy ChiPPy!!! Unfortunately just about everything was just "eye-candy" for me... The price tags were well beyond my means...
All the displays were soooooo professionally done... A lot of European Garden Items...The Space had such a great feel to it... The owners were nice enough to let me take photos...
What a fabulous place! Would love to have been there.