I'm sure a good number of you have already made out your ThAnKsGiVinG"to-do" List... ~ I sure have!!! This morning I've begun pulling out all my "special adornments" for Thursday's delicious celebration...
I have these adorable "Squirrel Place Card Holdlers"... I bought them from Pottery Barn a couple years ago...
I have a couple Vintage ~ 1950's "leaf tablecloths" which I drape over a larger white one...My "Most Favorite" Thanksgiving whimsy is the small Turkey Salad Plates!*!*! I also have a Turkey monogram on the napkinsalong with a leaf napkin holderrings...
My husband surprised me a few weeks ago and bought me these darling "Acorn" side dishes!!! Jeff is soooooo thoughtful!*!*!
This GoRgeOuS ViNtaGe Set of Silverwarewas a wedding gift from my sweet Aunt Loretta who recently passed away... Teary-eyed, I found her wedding card to us tucked inside...
I just LoVe the picture in the silverware's box top...
*Helloooo* My Name is Jeanine Burkhardt... My ChiPPy-SHaBBy Style is ALL ABOUT One-Of-A-Kind ViNtaGe FiNdS with a Natural Time-Worn P*A*T*I*N*A. I LoVe Imperfections!!! ~ *Chipped... *Salvaged... *Tattered... *Worn... *Rusty... *Crusty... These Days, I only "Occasionally" set up to SeLL at Flea Markets & Speciality Shows in IL & WI. On INSTAGRAM I randomly list items For SaLe on my Squares. Shipping & Porch Pickup is availalbe. For Frequent Posts visit ChiPPy-SHaBBy on INSTAGRAM & FACEBOOK.
Just found your blog tonight and I love it! Such awesome posts...such yummy stuff! Love it!