Wash the bird... Quarter an orange - squeeze & rub the orange inside and out of the bird... Season with salt and pepper... Combine about 2 cups of melted butter & 2 cups of oil in a large bowl... SOAK THE CHEESECLOTH IN THIS MIXTURE... Set your stuffed or un-stuffed bird on a rack in a roasting pan ... Double layer "Mummy-Wrap" the Bird with the saturated cheesecloth - but not on the underside where the bird touches the rack... THAT'S - IT !*!*! Every 30 minutes baste the bird THROUGH THE CHEESECLOTH, with the pan drippings...

All the wonderful dripping from the bird combined with cooking the neck parts make for a delicious gravy... Extra secret ~ add "gravy master or kitchen bouquet" for color...

Our "upscale" grocery store - SENDIK'S, had these adorable "Turkey Butter Sculptures"... I treated myself as a nice go-with for my turkey-squirrel-acorn whimsy table adornments... Until it's time to set out the butter on the table, I've placed the box in a prominent spot in the fridge - to enjoy each time I open the door - which is often!*!*!

I'm thankful for ALL the new acquaintances & inspiration
I've received through blogging!*!*! Feedback ~ Comments are always appreciated... Click on pics to enlarge...
Visit my ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! Booth Saturday, Dec. 5th, 9am-5pm
Next Door to Pilgrim Antique Mall
W156 N11500 Pilgrim Road
Germantown, Wisconsin
Shop: 262-250-0260
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Let's do it all over again!.......well, maybe next year. A++++++