Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bringing Out the ViNtaGe HaLLoWeeN!*!*!

It's FINALLY feeling like FaLL here in Wisconsin!!!  
The leaves just started turning ~ which is quite late this year...
With OCTOBER just a few days away,
I most certainly was in the mood to drag out 
My Personal StAsH Of ViNtaGe Halloween!!!
Can't wait to *SEE* What Develops!*!*!

 Naturally Time-Worn, - Black Crusty... Rusty...
BirdCage for HaLLoWeen...
LoVe it's Chain!

FaB Antique Orange Paper Mache OwL 
was a gift from *Frog-Husband* some years back!

The ChiPPy Black/Orange Table is Beyond AwEsoMe!!!
The TOP actually folds down sideways...
~*PeRfeCtLy ChiPPy*~
Natural Paint-Loss PaTiNa...

 Lately I've been Going CraZy Over ViNtaGe Scales!!!
This Recent Find from "FarmGirl Art & Antiques"
Black... Crusty... Rusty... PaTiNa
With the Fab Face Numbers...

The Sides of this VINTAGE Scale have
~Kroeger Bros. Grocery Stores~

I'll Be Very Busy this weekend Getting Ready for
Nellie's Barn SaLe Oct. 7-8
(Visit My SideBar for Details...)

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite pins on Pinterest is your vintage Halloween. So much fun.


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