Sunday, February 16, 2014

Longing for SpRiNg...

The plow just went down the street -Again!!!
I look at the weather report at least 4 times a day - to see when we're going to get blasted again, here in Wisconsin...  There's at least a couple days a week I don't even go out or should I say - Can't Go Out...  Enough of this!!!
I don't know about you ~ but I'm just about ready to start planting "Plastic Flowers" in-the-snow...

Longing for the sight of
 BiRdies making Nests!*!*!
Have a great SuNdAy!*!*!
Time to take down the Seasonal Valentine Vignette
and looking forward to displaying some Spring~Time!*!*!


  1. Yes, we've had it too. I already started decorating inside for Spring, because I can't take much more. Ha!

  2. Oh it has been a LONG winter! I dream of gardening, sitting on the deck or porch.....and cannot wait for our animals to find their way out of the barn to green pasture again.

  3. I'm so sorry for the horrible and long winter! Deep in south Texas we have cold weather too. Nothing like yours at all. Wish I could send you some sun and higher temperatures!
    You did crack me up with your planting plastic flowers, glad your humor is intact!

  4. Warmer weather coming our way this week but now they're putting out warnings for flooding! I always wondered about those plastic flowers outside years ago....maybe they knew something long before us! Loved your comment...too funny sweet! Blessings~~~Roxie


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