Monday, February 18, 2013

Downton Abbey Servant's Bell ~ OMG!*!*!

For sometime now, Frog Husband and I have been enjoying or should I say "Have Been Hooked" on watching Masterpiece Theater's
We spent many a cozy winter afternoon, taking a coffee break - Catching Up to this year's Season Three...  This was such a special treat for me ~ NEVER BEFORE, BOTH OF US BEING HOME MID-DAY DURING THE WEEK...
  I had fallen in  love with many things
about "Downton"~ especially the
ringing of the **Servant's Bell** at the
beginning of each episode...

 OMG!*!*!  ~  OMG!*!*!  ~  OMG!*!*!
~** ToDay's BiRthDAy SuRpRisE **~
Y*E*S - It Is "The Servant's BeLL"...

Sweet *Frog Husband* Surprised me with this
 ViNTAGe "Servant's Bell"
Soooooo similar to the ones seen on Downton Abbey... Although not Black with Shiny Brass ~
  - I JuSt L*O*V*E the PaTiNa on This One
and wouldn't want it any other way!*!*!
FaB time~worn PaTiNa!*!*!
The "Ring Tone" is exactly the same...

Downton Abbey's 
Servant Bells...

Although last night's Season Finale
was quite a downer ~ "What were they thinking"???  We're Still looking forward to Season Four...



  1. Oh very cool! Happy birthday! Yes, I'm going through all the stages of grief over Matthew Crawley! Boooo hooo...

  2. What a find and special gift!! I've never even seen Downtown Abbey (can you believe it), but I love your bell!

  3. how fun, i suppose when you ring the bell your husband comes running also? is that part of the deal? love the bell, love downton abbey. so sad about last nights episode, what is up with when someone has a baby! can't wait for season 4.

  4. That is a sweet and timely present and Happy Birthday. I was very upset at that episode but one of my readers said Dan Stevens/Matthew wanted out of the series.

  5. The servants bell is a perfect gift. Can't believe Jeff actually found one. And regarding the end of Season 3.... sniff. Made me so sad also. Don't know what the writers were thinking, but hopefully Season 4 will lift our spirits. Hope you had a wonderful birthday.
    xoxo Amy

  6. I was so disappointed when I read Matthew wasn't going to return for Season Four! It's such a good show. So jealous of the servants bell!



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