Monday, March 7, 2011

ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! ViNtaGe ShoPPing Weekend!*!*!

Every year I spend the "first weekend of March" with my Best Friend from High School...  We usually shop the stores in St. Charles and Geneva, Illinois...  It's always a plus with the Kane County Flea Market falling on that weekend too!!!  Here are a couple pics of places we visited... 

Each year we visit the GENEVA ANTIQUE MALL in quaint Geneva, Illinois...  They always have a wonderful "seasonal display" in the middle of the store...  I love their "SPRING DISPLAYS" the most!!!  Click on the pic to enlarge this one ~ enjoy the details...  Although it's usually hard to find items for resale in a Mall, I did walk away with a "Few SHaBBies" for my booth space at Grayslake Antique Flea Market this upcoming weekend!!!  (see sidebar)...

By the time we got to this inviting store - they were just about to close!!!  Great Eye-Candy here!!!
**** *** ****
Check back tomorrow for the report and pics on Kane County Flea Market!*!*!  I can say this - I drove home with my car "Stuffed to the brim" with SHaBBies!!!



  1. Bet you & Terri had a blast Jeanine; love that top photo - what a beautiful touch of spring!


  2. This gets me in the mood for spring! Thanx for sharing. I love your blog. Wish I could attend some of the markets that you participate in, but AL is so far away...I would love for you to visit me at my new blog and become a follower and leave a comments or any advice for the new blogger. Tiff (The Cranky Queen)

  3. Love it! Can't wait to see the flea market - love me some of those! I just went to one in TN and it was great - a little higher priced than the ones here in PA but fun nonetheless!

  4. What fun! I wish I had weekends and a friend to go fleamarketing with. Someday!

  5. I was at Kane on Sat., (what was with all that snow??!)... I wish I would have visited the Geneva antique mall - looks awesome. I plan on going to Grayslake (for the first time) this weekend, hope to meet you!

  6. Sounds like FUN!! Can't wait to see your treasures!!

  7. Oh, man! That pictured has inspired me to do my spring display in the shop that I've been putting off. Now I can say I'm ready!

    Looking forward to seeing your treasures.

  8. The market did the spring colors so well. You have the best weekends. We did taxes and a few estate sales. ♥O


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