Tuesday, March 1, 2011

**ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!** Girlie Bust with ImPerFeCtioNs!*!*!

I netted this "ViNtaGe Girlie Bust" on our Antique Outing this past Saturday...  This was one of those items ~ Tag-ON... Tag-OFF...  I've decided to hang on to this ViNtaGe SHaBBy Beauty for just a little while longer...  "HERE'S WHY"...

 I was first drawn to this Girlie Vintage Bust because of SIZE/FORM, TATTERED LACE, & CHIPPY BASE...  While unpacking my FiNds - yesterday, I just knew I had the **Perfect Place** for her where something was lacking...

 When I got her positioned, I felt she needed "a little bling"...  ~ Like JeWeLry on-the-dress...  Creamy beige Pearls and vintage millinery with a hint of color were added...

 The cracks in the base added so much "Unique Time-Worn Character"!!!

 The Lace, to me was a strong focal point of the piece...  PeRfeCtly Tattered and worn, not to mention the darker beige color it had taken on...

 ViNtaGe Millinery is one of my weaknesses!*!*!
This delicate "Pansy Sprig" is from France...

 I'll pay more for items with original labels ~ this one still retaining it's MADE-IN-FRANCE label...

I LoVe Imperfections!*!*!
** So Much More Interesting than Brand New **

 P.S.  I'm already gearing-up for
12 days and counting...
March 12th & 13th, 2011
(see sidebar for details...)


  1. She is beautiful and you made her more striking with the flower spray and lace. She is a keeper. hugs♥O

  2. She is beautiful! Good job!

  3. Oh she is a beauty!
    Love how you displayed her she looks beautiful,
    Love Kristina x

  4. Love the lady! I have a blue boy bust like her, and I can't stand the thought of giving him up, but I have not found a spot at home yet. You give me inspiration!!! I will send you a shot when I am set. Thanks for sharing!!

  5. What a gorgeous lady!!! and those flowers, what a find. She's perfect to hold your pearls!

  6. Oh, wow! I don't know if I'd EVER part with her if I were you! She's gorgeous!

  7. Whats a little crack here and there! As my grandson pointed out to me one day as he observed a huge wrinkle on my face "mam-maw you have a crack on your chin"! I almost fell out of my chair with laughter! So you see nothing wrong with a crack or two, or three, or four! Hahahahaha!

  8. She could not be more perfect, I love her expression as well. I can see how she is a "must keep". Hope all is well.


  9. I LOVE Vintage Millinery Flowers! Yours are beautiful. Harder to find than they used to be, I should have stocked up before they became so popular! *winks*

    Dawn... The Bohemian

  10. Love your new lady she looks just gorgeous all done up!


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