Monday, March 20, 2023

WeLcoMe S*P*R*I*N*G...


Time to start sprouting your 

~* Springtime Vibe *~
L*I*V*E Eastertime Wheat Grass Basket

~* ViNtaGe Tin Basket with daffodil pattern *~
OMG!!! ~ Those Colors!!!
One of the most favorite gifts
  from my precious "Frog-Husband"...

**How-To Grow the Grass**

*Purchase some rye -or- wheat berries
(I find mine at the health food store)...

*Soak the berries in water overnite...

*Line baskets or any containers, with thick aluminum foil...
*Fill with potting soil /dirt ~ initially 3/4 high in container...

*Arrange the soaked berries somewhat close together over the dirt...

*COVER these berries with about a 1/2" more of dirt...
*Lightly Water This Layer...

-Germinate the seeds-
*I set my baskets in a warm dark place, (like a closet or bathtub) covering lightly with newspaper, for about 4 days...  Do not water any more during this time...

Place the Containers in a "Sunny Window"
~*You just won't believe how fast the seedlings start "popping-up" & turning green!!!

The Containers will now require "LIGHT WATERING" every few days.  Do Not over water them! - Just a trickle now & then.  Use household scissors to trim the grass as it grows quickly.

I have made these baskets well over 20 years now!!!
I would sell them at my ChiPPy-SHaBBy Spring Shows, & give as gifts at Easter time...

*They last anywhere from 2-3 weeks after sprouting...
*If you want to "slow-down" their growing, set them in a cool garage...


Wednesday, March 1, 2023

ViNtaGe Garden ViBe FOR MARCH...


*Feeling Hopeful* for SpringTime!!!
 I like to designate *just one area* in our home, for ViNtaGe Seasonal Displays.  It adds a nice ReFreshing ViBe with impact ~ just like seasonal pillows do on the couch!!!

ViNtaGe GaRDeN & Architectural SaLvaGe
 FINALLY Hung this Lavabo!*!*! ~ After 6 years of hiding in my personal ChiPPy-SHaBBy STaSH!!!  I LoVe It!!!  Can't stop looking at it!!!  Endless display possibilities...

There's nothing like naturally time-worn old concrete garden statuary!!!

ViNtaGe Watering Cans with old naturally time-worn paint loss PaTiNa!!!
  The ones with the OLD PAINT are getting harder and harder to find in today's market...

chipped... salvaged... tattered... worn... rusty/crusty... 
~*For the LoVe of P*A*T*I*N*A*~
All these characteristics make for a ONE-OF-A-KIND F*I*N*D
No two items are identical...

Easter is early This Year...
Looking forward to freshening this display 
with ViNtaGe Easter Adornments...