Thursday, March 31, 2011

ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! INDUSTRIAL FINDS from the weekend...

The I N D U S T R I A L - L O O K is sooooo hot right now!!!  - It's seen in the magazines & quite frequently in vignettes on the web...
And YES - It's possible to "mix-in shabbies" with this RE-PURPOSED Industrial Edge!!!

Here's a few FiNDs from this past weekend's trip in Minnesota...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

**2-BeSt ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! FiNds** from this past Weekend...

  I just L*O*V*E this old bottle!*!*!  It couldn't be anymore perfectly chippy!!!  ~And~ It reminds me of my Sweet Aunt Loretta who passed away some years ago - "Pansies & Spring" were her FaVoRite...

Yet another Vintage Bottle - FaB Natural Time-Worn Patina on the  Label - Yes!!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

**ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!** Antique ShoPPinG!*!*!

We "quickly cruised" quite a few Antique Shops on the way up to Minnesota this past weekend...   It's always sooooo hard to buy for re-sale in an Antique Shop - but I did manage to "smoke my pocket book in this shop"... I bought quite a few things with "Select Summer Garden Shows" in mind...

 Just Loved that chippy white plant stand!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! Minnesota Road Trip ~ **HUNT & GATHER**

It's been 7 Months since Frog Husband and I have shopped Hunt & Gather in Minneapolis, Minnesota... WOW!!! ~ OMG!!! The whole upper floor had a HUGE FACE LIFT!!! ~ The Hot Industrial Look Abounds!*!*!   

 The Displays were Just AMaZiNg!*!*!

 Although the sun was out ~ IT WAS COLD... Lots of SNOW still on the ground...  In prior years - I remember wishing I had my sandals on!!!

 I always get C*R*A*Z*E*D when we pull in the parking lot!!!

 Take a close look at the "Pussy Willows" in-the-snow!!!

 The Store looked it's Best-Ever!*!*!  Lots of unusual pieces...

 S*U*R*P*R*I*S*E  Encounter!!!
"ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!" meets Mary of Urban Farmgirl @ Hunt & Gather!!!  DO hop on over to Mary's Blog and SEE what Mary and her friend were up to in Minnesota!!!

 These Vintage Sign Lights were sooooo appropriate for the Store!!!  How lucky the owner was to spell out HUNT & GATHER - and have them working!!!

 My FaVoRiTe Pic!!!  OMG - BeSt-Ever!*!*!  I only wish we had room to take them home for keepers...  LoVed BOTH Cabinets equally as well...

 Industrial mixed with Shabby...

 LoVed the Mirror...  FaB PaTiNa and Chippiness!*!*!


 Barkcloth & SHaBBies with a hint of Architectural SaLVage and Industrial...

Check back later in the week to SEE MORE of what we did!!!

Friday, March 25, 2011

**ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!** ROAD TRIP!*!*!

I'm just CraZed - Knowing that "Warrenton... RoundTop... Marburger... Zapp Hall..." are going on in TEXAS right now!!! - Soooo want to be there!!! ~ Especially for the Blog Party!!!  Soooooo to feed my "Junkin Needs" - ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! is taking a "Road Trip" TODAY!*!*!  Check back to SEE/HEAR about my adventures...

Thursday, March 24, 2011

ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! Adds "More Bling"!*!*!

This past weekend's "FiNds" are finally unpacked and "Tagged"!!!  I've pulled "2-Keepers" - one being an I-Rice Perfume Bottle ~ making a nice addition to my collection...

 I love the "Flower-Like" Adornment with HUGE RHINESTONES!*!*!

 I believe this particular Bottle is missing the "ornate shaft" that would have covered up the sprayer area...  The Original Irice label is still intact...

 For now, this ViNtaGe Bling Bottle adorns one of my Curio Cabinets along with other little fussies...

 I Love SMALL CURIO CABINETS!*!*!  All the above little fussies would just get lost on a table/cabinet top...  This smaller-size glass door wall cabinet definitely brings out the BeSt in these smaller-size Finds!!!

A Busy Grouping of the Collection...  You can better see the shaft I mentioned earlier...

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

ChiPPy!-SHaBBy! Shops "SASSYTRASH ANTIQUES" - On Esty!!!

Each Season I always have "A THING" for some items stronger than others...  Last year it was "BuTTerFlies"...  This Year, ~ B I R D S seem to have a strong influence on my buying!*!*!  I just recently purchased some delightful Primitive "Metal Birds" from Nancy of SASSYTRASHANTIQUES on ETSY, and was quite pleased with my purchase!!!  Be sure to check out her FaB Blog as well:  Sassytrash

 There's nothing more special than receiving a package that says "I Care"...  When someone takes the time to acknowledge "details" ~ it's almost more important to me, than the gift itself...  I was just delighted to Receive just such a package with my ETSY Purchase from SassytrashAntiques!!!  How inviting is this!?!?!  ~ It's all in the details...

What a Sweet little note card enclosure...
The raised detailed edge dots on the Birds - added so much character...

These BiRdiEs will look Just FaB in my Springtime Displays!*!*!
** ThAnK YOU Sassytrash**


Monday, March 21, 2011

**ChiPPy!-SHaBBy!** Shops Antiques in & around ST.LOUIS...

As we worked our way to an Antique Bottle Show in St. Louis, Missouri, this past weekend, -  we cruised some of our favorite Antique Stops there and back...

After about 6 hours on the road...   The day turned out 81 degrees and Sunny!!!

I love visiting St. Louis ~ but we NEVER spend enough time there...

One of our "Must Stops" twice a year is Rick's Store ~ R. EGE ANTIQUES, in St. Louis...  I first met Rick at the Chicago Botanic Antique Garden Show in Glencoe, Illinois, many years back...  You can be assured he has some of the B*E*S*T  Authentic Antiques around!!!  Always a pleasure to shop his store!!!  Be sure to visit his booth at the Chicago Antiques & Garden Fair - 2011,  and check out the incredible pics on both his Blog & WebSite!!!  The outside of his building is AmAzinG as well...

I sooooo wanted to take this French Clock HOME!!!  PeRfeCtLy ChiPPy!!!

FaB Displays...

The Back Room Area  is my FaVoRite...  Rick seemed to have more Industrial than ever!*!*!  I love the natural light in this room ~ somewhat of a greenhouse feel...

The Antique Metal Tray had a FaBuLouS PaTiNa... 

Of Course there was a "Bling" Sighting!*!*!  Not only Chandeliers, but a just FaB Antique French Tiara...  
Maybe I'll get a second chance if Rick brings it to the Antique Garden Show!!! ~ LoVed It...

Very Early Architecture...

ChiPPy Iron Sighting...  SOLD long before we got there...

Warson Woods is a good Antique Stop in the St. Louis area... My favorite booth was a bit picked over by the time I got there late Saturday Afternoon...  I did however net a couple vintage finds...

This picture doesn't do the Antique Zinc Pediment justice...  This beauty probably graced the peak of an old Queen Anne Style Victorian...

Yet another amazing zinc architectural fragment...

Time to UnPack my FiNds!*!*! 

***  Speechless  ***

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

ChiPPy White Wednesday ~ With ViNtaGe Garden!*!*!

It soooooo feels like Spring Today - @ least 50 degrees and Sunny!!!  The Robin's have begun singing Spring's Sweetest Song...  Even though it may be a while before I have my "first sighting" of a Garden Hose, I'll definitely cherish what Mother Nature has given us TODAY!*!*!  This AwEsoMe weather has inspired my "ChiPPy White Wednesday Vignette"

 Small ViNtaGe White Watering Cans are soooo hard to come by...    The Vintage Garden Markers are also a long ago Find ...

 I worked on my Easter Entry Display yesterday ~ and this little vignette added just the right Spring-Time PoP!*!*!

 Just Sweet!*!*!

 This ViNtaGe Watering Can with decal doesn't get any better!*!*!

 PeRfeCtLy ChiPPy "in all the right places"...

Does this Say  S*P*R*I*N*G ~ T*I*M*E  or what!!!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Barbara & Kathy's BOOTH @ GRAYSLAKE FLEA...

"Barbara & Kathy"  put their heart and soul into their displays!!!  It was Over-The-Top amazing for a 2-day show!!!  Barbara, long time Shop Owner, just recently closed her store this past Fall...  I'm soooo glad Barbara & Kathy are now selling at the Flea Markets!!!  I'm sure you'll agree that they have a wonderful eye for displaying unique vintage finds!!!

These 2 Ladies are now my "new favorite sellers"!!!  I loved their display and chippy vintage finds!*!*!

This center display was just jaw-dropping propped up with the "Old Cast-Iron Stove Base"!*!*!  I definitely would have snatched it up - but it was a bit large for my needs...

 I spotted this cupboard of sort during Dealer Set-Up...  Of course is was GONE/SOLD the very next day!!! 

Such an Eye-Catching Display!!!
As of right now, they do not have a blog...