Saturday, December 15, 2012

**ViNtaGe CHriStMaS** ~ This Year's Vignette is UP!*!*!

I'll have to say, After saturating myself with C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S Finds for HoLiDay Shows since Last October, it was REALLY HARD for me to get enthused about decorating Our Own Home...   
My focus for the past couple weeks 
has been Getting Grounded @ HOME...
  Preparing our property for WINTER here in the Midwest, meant MAJOR SHABBY ORGANIZATION - mostly in the garage ~ so we could get BOTH our vehicles in...  Giving the House a REALLY Good Cleaning... Simple things I rarely have time for - like straightening the "Sock Drawer," have now ALL been taken taken care of ~ allowing me to start enjoying HoLiDaY-Time!*!*!

I just had to add some COLOR...
**ViNTaGe Bottle Brush Tree Collection** 

 A hint of  ViNtaGe Architectural SaLVaGe
**Old Round Window**

 The Real-Deal!*!*!
Just look at those bases!*!*!

 A good number of my ViNTaGe Bottle Brush
 Christmas Trees have "markings" -  
Made-In-Japan Stamp/Store Price Tags...

 Recent ViNtaGe F*I*N*D to add to my collection...
Goldish Bottle Brush Tree
Look at that Tree Base!*!*!

 This one's in My Top Three FaVoRiTes!*!*!

 Soooooo SHaBBy!*!*!
ViNtaGe Chenille Tree

A Chicago Icon... 
My Dad would take me to Chicago to visit Marshall Field's
HoLIDay Window Displays every year...
Soooo Sad that it was Sold in 2005
Now Macy's...

 A hint of nature brought indoors...
Although the OWL isn't vintage,
I just had to make an exception - this time...

** 2012 **

- 2010 -

Garden INspiRed...

 Most FaVoRiTE
HoLIDay Vignette
** 2007 **



  1. Oh Jeanine, I always love your seasonal displays!! that gold bottle brush tree is just wonderful!!

  2. Love the bottle brush trees, they are hard to find with ornaments on them!

  3. Jeanine,
    My fav is the garden vignette. Ohhhhh love it.
    We always did Marshall Fields Windows on State too and had Garrett's popcorn for the ride home. Such great memories. We still go and see Macy's windows but it is not the same. I also remember having breakfast with Santa around the Christmas tree in the Walnut room of Marshall Fieilds.!! Oh the memories.

  4. OMG that round window is amazing! Love all your vintage Christmas decorations!

  5. OMG Jeanine, I love those vintage bottle trees!
    I love all your Christmas vintage!


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